Welcome to Mobile Visions, a page that is dedicated to exploring the vision with just a mobile device. On a daily basis, we see things that capture our attention that we would love to share. Some usually share what they capture on their social media platform such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. or send it to friends or family, but I personally would love to share mine through the series. For each series, there is a short description of its meaning, I hope to connect with my viewers on a distinctive level.


Independent or uninhibited person. A desire to be unplugged exploring the gain of clarity and connection to the calling of happiness. Keep an open heart to that uniqueness and break free from the constraints of modern society, your experience in life is all the fullness needed to be your free spirit.


Novocaine an oral anesthetic primarily used by dentists to numb the pain during invasive procedures, but in this illustration the skies are my Novocaine that is filled with calm vibes bringing an extended metaphor for the numbness. One day when you have nothing to do, take some time and look at the skies for a minute, close your eyes and let your mind flow free with the skies.